Pay Per Click Advertising & PPC Management

Pay Less For More Clicks

Creating an entire inbound marketing funnel takes time, but most fast moving businesses can’t afford to wait. Pay Per Click advertising is the answer. If you seek an immediate return on your investment, search engine marketing (SEM) serves targeted advertisements directly to potential customers at the point of purchase. Our PPC management helps you find new customers, re-engage existing business and earn immediate market share at the very top of search engine results pages.

Pay Per Click


Paid Search, also known as Search Engine Marketing and Pay Per Click ads, is the fastest way to drive immediate traffic from the keywords you care about most. Our SEM Experts strive for more than clicks and traffic; we’re always on the lookout for ways we can increase your conversions. By increasing the quality of leads and lowering the cost per conversion, customer acquisition comes down to allocating advertising budget to customers showing the highest propensity to make a purchase.

Our formula is simple: our campaigns connect qualified buyers and sellers in the most profitable way possible – by scaling your advertising budgets according to conversions. We hone in on the customers and keywords delivering the highest return on your investment. Our focus is on performance marketing, and going beyond the click to improve your bottom line.

Data is the driving force behind our account management. We understand that analytics are essential to measuring our results and continuing to improve our performance. No two campaigns are alike, and we track location, time of day, device type, individual keywords and customer segments to determine the ideal search path leading to the highest performance.

Even if you already have an AdWords account up and running, you deserve a second look at a cost effective campaign aligned to your business goals and benefiting your bottom line. Your PPC strategy is only as good as the ROI it generates, and our approach produces profitable SEM campaigns for our clients.


  • Audience Development & Keyword Research
  • Build Campaigns & Ad Groups
  • Create Creatives including:
    • Text Ads
    • Display Ads
    • Remarketing
    • Product Listing Ads (PLAs)
    • Landing Page Design & Development
    • Content Marketing (Downloadable guides, eBooks, etc.)


  • Account Audit
  • Keyword Research
  • Multiple Campaigns and Ad-Groups Creation
  • Ad Text Creation
  • Bidding and Budget Management
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Conversion Tracking & Optimization
  • PPC Monitoring & Daily Account Management


To Do
3 Things

Convert to Customers

On a daily basis we’re diving into your web analytics data to understand visitor behavior, and then recommend changes to your website to make information easier to find and conversions more likely to occur.

Drive Targeted Traffic

Digital marketing only works if the right people arrive on your website. We learn everything there is to know about your business in order to deliver qualified leads and engaged visitors to your website.

Build Brand Awareness

Reach a new audience and re-engage existing clients across multiple channels, including organic and paid search, social networks, blogs, online influencers and more.


Get in

Let’s explore ways we can create and collaborate


    Marccx Media
    195 Montague Street
    14th Floor
    Brooklyn, NY 11201
    Contact Number: 347-770-2874

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